1 : 1 Class
What We Provide
Dear Parents,
Are you struggling with your child's performance?
No more worries! You are at right platform.
Ganit Vigyan has started Doubt session and 1 : 1 regular classes. You can enroll your child and level up their performance.
For further enquiry, you can contact us at "support@ganitvigyan.in" or "+91 941 7351 983"

Why Us!

Top Course Content
We will be covering each chapter comprehensively and guide you throughout the series of each subject.

Best Instructors
To ensure highest quality of education, best educators in different subjects have been arranged on this platform.

Onine Test Series
To make learning more engaging, online tests has been designed for better understanding of concepts.
Student Feedbacks
We would Love to Hear from you. Feel free to share your Love, thoughts and Feedback with us.

Thank you for being such an excellent mathematics teacher. Thank you for supervising my work and helping me to improve so that I can evolve as the best version of myself. I feel like I'm very confident now, which is because you showed confidence in me in my hard times. Thanks a lot for helping me to realize my potential.

I was struggling with mathematics a lot before I found this platform. My biggest fear was the maths problems. When I found this platform, I suddenly realized that math isn't a thing to fear. It is just a subject that is really interesting. Now, I have the record of highest marks in Mathematics in my whole sixth grade that is 100 out of 100. It is just because of you. Once again I thank you for kicking my biggest fear of my life.

I was struggling to improve my performance in exams. Ganit Vigyan videos tremendously helped me to understand better and helped me to improve my score. I love the way Shalini mam teaches mathematics. My concepts are crystal clear now. Thank you mam, for providing such excellent content free of cost.

Math is a subject which I felt was very difficult but when I started to solve the sums with the help of tricks and tips given by ma'am , there was a huge change in the marks obtained by meThank you ma'am for a lot of guidings, teachings and efforts you made in me. Thanks for your support too . May God bless you ma'am with everything you want. May you teach every child in the same manner you taught me

I wanted to take a moment to express my observation thoughts regarding your teaching skills. Specially in content of maths. As a student thank you for supervising and helping me to improve my marks from 80's to 90's. Thank you for being such a great teacher.

I can't express my thankyou with any word.❤️ I was struggling with maths problems before l found this amazing platform. I am very thankful to Mam that she has explained each and every topic with each detail..I don't need to look for any tuitions after this channel. I am enjoying math studies with this channel Therefore,I am very thankful to Shalini Mam💕 Thankyou so much 😊