Student Feedback

Thank you for being such an excellent mathematics teacher. Thank you for supervising my work and helping me to improve so that I can evolve as the best version of myself. I feel like I'm very confident now, which is because you showed confidence in me in my hard times. Thanks a lot for helping me to realize my potential.

I was struggling with mathematics a lot before I found this platform. My biggest fear was the maths problems. When I found this platform, I suddenly realized that math isn't a thing to fear. It is just a subject that is really interesting. Now, I have the record of highest marks in Mathematics in my whole sixth grade that is 100 out of 100. It is just because of you. Once again I thank you for kicking my biggest fear of my life.

I was struggling to improve my performance in exams. Ganit Vigyan videos tremendously helped me to understand better and helped me to improve my score. I love the way Shalini mam teaches mathematics. My concepts are crystal clear now. Thank you mam, for providing such excellent content free of cost.

Math is a subject which I felt was very difficult but when I started to solve the sums with the help of tricks and tips given by ma'am , there was a huge change in the marks obtained by meThank you ma'am for a lot of guidings, teachings and efforts you made in me. Thanks for your support too . May God bless you ma'am with everything you want. May you teach every child in the same manner you taught me

I wanted to take a moment to express my observation thoughts regarding your teaching skills. Specially in content of maths. As a student thank you for supervising and helping me to improve my marks from 80's to 90's. Thank you for being such a great teacher.

I can't express my thankyou with any word.❤️ I was struggling with maths problems before l found this amazing platform. I am very thankful to Mam that she has explained each and every topic with each detail..I don't need to look for any tuitions after this channel. I am enjoying math studies with this channel Therefore,I am very thankful to Shalini Mam💕 Thankyou so much 😊